Lemon Drizzle 🍋 ケーキ
Having bought lovely lemons recently, I’ve decided to bake a cake called “lemon drizzle”.
It’s basically a sponge cake with lemon syrup on, and very easy to make.
Here’s a recipe that I often use, hope you’ll have a go too!
You can learn English at the same time as it introduces you to different verbs 📚
おいしそうなレモンを買ったので、lemon drizzle(レモン・ドリズル)を作ることにしました。

Lemon Drizzle Cake 👩🍳 レモン・ドリズル・ケーキ
Ingredients(8x21cm tin) 材料(8x21cmのケーキ型)
For the sponge スポンジ生地
🥄 225g unsalted butter, softened 室温に戻した無塩バター 225g
🥄 225g caster sugar カスターシュガーまたは上白糖 225g
🥄 4 eggs 卵 4個
🥄 225g self-raising flour セルフレイジング粉225g、または薄力粉220gにベイキングパウダー小さじ2強を混ぜたもの
🥄 1 lemon, zested レモンの皮1個分
For the drizzle topping シロップ
🥄 1¹/₂ lemons, juiced レモン汁1個半分
🥄 85g caster sugar カスターシュガーまたは上白糖 85g
Method 作り方
❶ Heat the oven to 180℃ (160℃ for fan ovens).
オーブンを180℃ (ファン機能付きは160℃) に予熱する。
❷ Using a whisk, beat together the butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Add the eggs one at a time, slowly mixing through.
❸ Sift in the flour, then add the lemon zest, and mix well with a spatula or spoon untill well combined.

❹ Line a loaf tin with greaseproof paper, then spoon in the mixture. Level the top with a spoon.
❺ Bake for 45-50 minutes until a thin skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. If it’s still uncooked inside, cover the top with alminium foil and bake a bit longer.
❻ While the cake is cooling in its tin, make the syrup by mixing together the lemon juice and sugar.
❼ Prick the warm cake all over with a skewer or fork, then pour over the drizzle. Leave in the tin until completely cool, then remove and serve.

🍋 Will keep in an airtight container for 3-4 days, or freeze for up to 1 month.
👩🍳 I usually reduce the sugar amount when using a British cake recipe. Used 150g for the sponge this time.
👩🍳 Using the lemon flesh in syrup to boost the lemony flavour! Can be served with candied lemon slices for the look.
👩🍳 私はイギリスのケーキレシピを使う時砂糖の量を減らすことが多いです。今回はスポンジ用を150gにしました、お好みに合わせてくださいね。
👩🍳 レモン果肉をシロップに入れるとレモン度アップ!レモンの砂糖漬けなども飾りになります。

drizzle cake 「シロップ(砂糖を含む液体)をかけたケーキ、たいていレモンなど柑橘系風味」
a type of cake with a syrup (= a liquid containing sugar), usually flavoured with lemon or another citrus fruit, poured over it