English 英語

Visual aids in Life 🖼 身近な視覚教材

Have you ever found it difficult to explain in English what happened that day?

Many conversations consist of what we see or hear in life, and expressions required are often simple!

So why do words not come out??

It might be to do with the way your speaking skill is trained.





Using text is one of the most common and effective ways of learning a language.

The only thing is, reading is obviously different from speaking!

So if you’re good at reading but struggling to speak, one idea is to switch over to using visual aids.




Opportunities may be around you to practise 練習の機会は身近にあるかもしれません

Visual aids here mainly refer to images, pictures or scenes that help practise describing a situation.

Some of the advantages of using visual aids are …

  • they enable us to practise various scenes
  • the information process required resembles that of when we speak in daily life
  • they help us find and strengthen vocabulary and grammar areas to suit individual needs



  • いろいろな場面を練習できる
  • 情報処理の仕方が普段会話する時と似ている
  • 個々の必要に合った語彙や文法分野を見つけ強化できる

With images below, I’d like to show an example of using a daily life scene as a visual aid.

You can maybe start off by following these 3 steps.



❶ Identify all the keywords such as nouns and verbs. Take a note of words you’re not sure of to look up later.


A scene on the train. Can you name all the nouns? 電車内の光景。この絵にある名詞と動詞、全部言えますか?

❷ Decide the tense or grammar you’re practising and stick to one at a time.


How many present continuous sentences can you come up with? 例えば現在進行形の文、いくつくらい思い浮かびますか?

❸ Once different grammar rules are clear in your mind, try mixing them as in normal conversations by narrating what you see or relating what’s on your mind.

3 いくつかの文法事項が頭の中で明確になったら、絵の情景を描写したり自分が思うことを述べたりして普段の会話のように文法を混ぜる。

Describe in English what you would be thinking if you were there その場にいたら言ってそうな独り言を英語にしてみましょう

❕ It’s important that you actually speak rather than just think in your head! Of course being considerate of others when practising in public places matters too 😉


The same 3 steps apply whether we’re using an image, photo or real scene.

It might take some time before the words start to come out as you intend to.

If you ever feel discouraged, remember it’s very different from mastering your native language which is everywhere around you.

You’re doing well to try!!

Another challenge with improving conversation skills might be that it’s hard to tell whether we’re making any progress.

It’ll be discussed in a future post 👋







be to do with … …と関係がある

to relate to (something) : to be about (something)

Describe daily scenes using words 普段から日常風景を言葉にしましょう

White photo frame Frame psd created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com

Train image People vector created by pch.vector – www.freepik.com

An online English(EAL) teacher from Japan, based in the U.K. for over 20 years. Passionate about creative and practical English teaching ideas 🌸🌸🌸 日本出身、イギリス在住20年以上のオンライン英会話講師。使う英語学習に情熱的

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